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以下の原文をポケトラエコの対訳エディタにコピー・アンド・ペーストしてください。 |
<1> To avoid mistracking, music is played from the IC chip instead of directly from the compact disc. <2> We will change our policy in their market only if they sign the Agreement this week. <3> The development of his small shop into a large business took many years. <4> The microscope enables us to examine very small objects. <5> Our systems can change and grow as you do. <6> The U.S. and other industrialized nations are now at a point where some observers question the wisdom of further economic growth. <7> The nation has a per capita income less than one-third that of the United States <8> The list displays all of the file of the type selected. <9> The new medicine rescued me from the illness which might otherwise have been desperate. <10> While apologizing for the daily noise pollution, he said the U.S. forces considered the noise of freedom. |
Hijacking suspect parachutes out
MANILA, Philippines - A hijacker armed with a pistol and a grenade robbed 290 people on a Philippines Airlines jet Thursday before leaping from the plane with a homemade parachute, authorities said.
The Airbus 330 later landed at Manila's airport and the passengers were let off safely.
Police began searching the area where the man is presumed to have landed, though it is not known if he survived.
The hijacking recalls the case of D.B. Cooper, who took over a Northwest Orient Airlines flight in 1971, demanding $200,000.
After getting the money, he parachuted from the plane and hasn't been heard from since.
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